Feng-GUI - Effective Visuals

Empower Digital Marketing Agencies to Effectively Analyze Attention and Attraction in Visuals.

Feng-GUI, a neuroscience pioneer in measuring visual effectiveness, simulates human vision and creates measurement reports that predict what a real human would be most likely to look at.

Feng-GUI visual measurement services are used by 30K professionals worldwide, across all media channels, from websites, adverts and videos to signage and packaging.

Instant Feedback

Get instant and unbiased feedback at fraction of the cost and time of traditional eye-tracking.
The measurements closely resemble a 5 seconds eye tracking session of 40 people.

Increase Conversion Rates

Landing page optimization experts are using Feng-GUI to improve website conversion rates by increasing the visibility of call to actions elements and Ads.
Find out how people see your website or creative media and realize which areas attract notice and which will be overlooked.

Measurable Campaign Objectives

Based on the objectives of a campaign, the reports metrics serve as measurable objectives in creative briefings and strategic campaign planning.
Account manager are using Feng-GUI reports as a supporting argument when delivering the creatives to the advertiser.

Improve Visual Performance

Media agencies and independent designers use Feng-GUI to identify weak spots within an ad and to improve performance, location of brand and emphasis key messages.

Advertisers & Agencies

Feng-GUI allows advertisers and agencies to measure the visual performance of campaigns, before they air, by analyzing levels of attention, brand effectiveness and placement, as well as how the ad's individual elements are perceived.

How it Works

Upload an image, webpage or video file.
No installation required.
Feng-GUI simulates human vision and predicts where users will focus their attention on your design.
Reports provide a complete graphic representation of the strengths and weaknesses of your design.
Refine layout, placement, format and key messages, to induce action and increase conversion rates.